Momocca: Why did you choose to create an space inspired by 1920’s? How did the idea come about?
Elena Jori: Because of the house. The Tomás Allende House is set in that historical moment and inspires this aesthetic.
1920s represent glamour, luxury, and debauchery; the joy of living after IWW. We wanted to recreate that climate of joy after the difficult months we are living through with the pandemic. A need to enjoy life.
M: How did you manage to transport us to the Long Island mansion based on the novel The Great Gatsby?
EJ: First, what I tried to do was to make the most of the elements of the building, which are from that period and historical moment. To take advantage of the height of the ceilings, mouldings, the melis pine floor which is original and typical of the beginning of the century in Madrid…
Secondly, I used materials with that touch of luxury such as marble, polished brass, textures such as velvet, all of them materials with a lot of character and personality.