
New concepts: Sound absorption

How to create an acoustically comfortable environment.

It is one of the fundamental aspects in the interior design of an office, something that should not be left to chance. Today we are talking about acoustic comfort and sound absorption.

I’m sure that if we asked you for your idea of the ideal office you would describe a spacious but welcoming place, where light, air and creativity flow freely, but what about moments of concentration, how to control sound and muffle it?

For this, it is essential to work on acoustic comfort or sound absorption. Sound absorption is the property of certain objects and materials to absorb and dampen ambient noise.

Fonoabsorbencia en oficina

An office with acoustic comfort means having sound-absorbing solutions in the office. Environmental noise is on the list of the major problems that most affect office workers.

A problem that can be solved through interior design.

How can we minimise this problem by taking into account the design component?

We leave you with a selection of 5 perfect proposals to achieve this goal:

Flag Caruso Acustic | Momocca
Flag by Caruso Acustic
Caruso Acústica designs these ceiling lamps made up of sound-absorbing panels. They correct and improve the acoustic and luminous comfort of the office without renouncing to a careful design.
Julia by Momocca
This is the solution that Momocca offers you. The Julia shelves have the option of placing one or more panels in their configuration, and you can also place them wherever you want, helping you to achieve greater acoustic comfort.
Espa Ondarreta | Momocca
Espai by Ondarreta
Ondarreta offers us a very versatile solution. These recycled felt panels are not only sound-absorbent but also incorporate a structure for office utensils.
Pause by Missana | Momocca
Pause by Missana
Another ideal option for separating teamwork areas or minimising its acoustic impact. Missana has wall and floor standing panels to take them wherever they are needed.

Furniture is also capable of dampening sound. Although wood is not a purely sound-absorbing material, it is capable of mitigating noise as it is able to dampen sound.

For chairs it is best to opt for a mix of wood and upholstery, they will be a further contribution to acoustic comfort.


An acoustically comfortable office is a more human office. At Momocca we know that interior design is capable of providing solutions to the challenges that spaces pose and that is why we put all the means at your disposal.

Momocca Design