
We are celebrating!

Momocca is 5 years old!

It has been 5 years since Momocca appeared in 2016 undertaking its intense adventure. Although 5 years may not seem like a lot, for us they represent years of giant steps and great efforts translated into success.

quinto aniversario momocca
logo 5 aniversario

Our beginnings

Because we are all part of this company that has always been more than an organisation, it is a family, and in families, anniversaries are celebrated in style. But do you remember how it all started?

inicios momocca

We had the idea, it had to be Modular Furniture with Character. Did you know that is precisely the meaning of our name in spanish? Our founders Lourdes and Pablo had it clear, they wanted to show the world a new way of making furniture.

We started at emerging fairs like Nude (in 2016) and the Satellite fair at iSaloni in 2018. At that time, only Adara was in the catalogue, but it was already clear that this single collection could become infinite possibilities.

Julia quinto aniversario momocca
Olga quinto aniversario momocca
Project by Deleite Design - Momocca Adara

That would be the common feature of our collections, the other one you know well, the curved inspiration, which we have talked about countless times.

We were eager and excited, but we were realistic, we needed support and above all guidance. For us, the support of Lanzadera, the valencian business incubator, was decisive in getting us to where we are now.

So, phase by phase, step by step, we learned the guidelines for running a business in which every element counts: customers, workers, suppliers. They are all part of our success.

Then came Julia, Emma, Olga and psst this is a secret… someone else is on the way.

And now…

And so, as the Momocca family grew, both in terms of work and personal life, the brand became stronger. We took part in every edition of Feria Hábitat, each time with a bigger stand, each time with a new collection. We took part in events such as CasaDecor, we established ourselves in the national market. We developed a contract section to try to bring the warmth to any environment and with the support of ICEX we opened to the outside world.

equipo momocca

Now Momocca has a presence in Europe and America, participates in all kinds of projects and we are more motivated than ever to keep moving forward.

The journey began 5 years ago, but it continues, and we still have a long way to go, will you join us?

Momocca Design