
Growing in height and capacity

Since its official presentation at the Feria Hábitat Valencia, at Momocca we have been overwhelmed by the fantastic response to the Adara Collection. There are many of you who are already working on the product beautifully and would like to see new ways of using it.

Well, the wait is over. From today you can discover all the new configurations incorporated to Adara. You will discover more versatility and functionality in this sophisticated collection.

We would like tot tell you about these novelties through  a series of 3 releases, where we want to share with you eacho of the new features in detail.

This is the 3/3 series, you can see the previous ones here: 1/3 series, 2/3 series

Momocca News:


The most shocking news we have left for the end. The third great innovation in the Adara Collection is the possibility of stacking  modules. In this way, the furniture grows in height and its storage capacity is considerably increased.  A new configuration that facilitates the storage of crockery, decoration or books and that, together with the previous configurations, permits creating a very complete and elegant set of living-dining room furniture.

But this isn’t Adara’s only chance to grow in height. As we mentioned in previous communications, we have included Module B with smaller dimensions that extend the range of configurations, but what we do not tell you is that this new module is available with high legs, which allows you to create sideboards, chests of drawers, consoles and desks with a light and unique look.

If the Adara Collection captives you and you want to know it better, click on the link and discover all its new possibilities:

Momocca Design

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